Thursday, January 16, 2014

The #1 Reason You Should Sell Now

Hi Friends,

All indicators are that we, here in the Mid-Willamette Valley, are in a “Stable” market. For the long haul, this is great news. The market is, pretty much what it is.  Waiting for the wild West days of 2005 – 2006 might not be the best strategy. Some of you are waiting for the “good old days!”
So because of that, what’s happening in the market is that we have buyers – but we don’t have enough sellers.

Check out the article below to see the “why” of what’s happening.  And, always, if you have questions about your particular situation, don’t hesitate to call me.

"The price of any item (including residential real estate) is determined by ‘supply and demand’. If many people are looking to buy an item and the supply of that item is limited, the price of that item increases" 

To continue reading: The #1 Reason You Should Sell Now

Let me know if you have any questions!

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