Wednesday, August 25, 2010

WHAT? - 27.2% Drop in House Sales. Who Knew?

Don't fall over in shock. 27.2% drop in housing sales and me blogging twice in one week, unheard of! But such shocking news being blasted everywhere requires this response!

Let me just say this, "Who Knew?" And the answer is, we did.

I'm just going to tell you I need to blow off some steam after listening to all the news reports yesterday. These same "reporters" were telling everyone in April, May and June that sales had made record increases over the previous year. As they were speaking then, I was yelling at my TV, "the 1st Time Home Buyer Credit stupid!" But did anyone listen. No! Especially not sellers.

Sellers heard the news and assumed the market was back. And for a moment, for some, it was. Unfortunately when most of us have visions of the market being back, it's at pre-2007 crash levels. The reality was, reporting those increases "over the previous year" referred to a market that was already way down in 2009.

So where are we today? While 27.2% sounds awful, it is simply a reflection of the 1st Time Home Buyer Credit ending. It's a reflection of a real estate market that is trying to normalize after being tampered with - again. It's a reflection of a real estate market that is often quieter in July because of families finishing up sports programs and taking vacations. And it's a reflection of a real estate market that is going to continue to decline a bit, until we clear out the distressed property inventory and improve the job picture.

And where does this leave you my friend? If you're a buyer, buy! You have 4% interest rates, home values that have nearly rolled back to pre-2000 pricing and inventory abounds. We even found that buyers buying now may do better on pricing than the value of the $8,000 tax credit. So what are you waiting for???? There is one caveat to buying, though. Buy with plans to be content in your home for about 12 - 15 years. No more musical houses!

If you're a seller, sell quickly. This market is projected to continue it's decline through 2012. Time is your enemy. To my Boomer friends, consider moving up your retirement plans. This is going to be a long slow recovery. Losing another chunk of your housing value, and then trying to down size in 5 - 10 years might not be the best plan. Call for my insights. My honey and I have been having long discussions over this very topic. Do you really want to vacuum the 2400sqft house when you're 65 and 70? How 'bout the weed-picking on the 1/4 ac lot? Think about it!

Think about it, you say. Let's be honest, these are confusing times. Most of us have never lived through an economic period like this. So when you hear this kind of news, CALL and get some good interpretation, and most of all, context for it. Your situation may call for action, or it may call for you to sit still. Either way, we're here as your Housing Counselors.

Lastly, don't be afraid. This housing market will correct itself when the job market improves. So lets put all our efforts and emotion into banging the drum on the legislative steps about JOBS. That's the key to cleaning up this mess.

Now - lets go have a glass of cyber-wine and take a deep breath!

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