Foreclosure fears foster true grief.
Reports of foreclosures by the millions have been in the news so much over the past few years that to some, it might seem like the new normal. As a real estate professional, in the trenches with financially stressed homeowners every day, it never feels like business-as-usual.
The prospect of losing ones home is a major source of grief, and often, goes hand in hand with other tragic setbacks like; job loss, divorce, death of a loved one, mounting medical bills or skyrocketing mortgage payments.
Unfortunately, the first stage of grief is denial. That’s even more the case when the threat of foreclosure is looming.
No one wants to talk about financial trouble—even when millions of others are in the same position. It’s completely understandable. But for homeowners who are behind on mortgage payments, decisive action is often the most critical step toward ensuring the best possible solution.
As a real estate professional who has earned the Certified Distressed Property Expert (CDPE) designation, I help homeowners everyday deal with the grief and uncertainty that accompanies the prospect of losing a home. In the process, I can help homeowners get on a path toward financial solvency.
If you or someone you care about would like to change the course of a life that’s facing foreclosure, I can help. Please contact me today at 503-371-5209 or www.amymcleod.net.