We've been in this adjusting real estate market for nearly four years now, but all of a sudden I've had a rash of sellers who don't want to hear the realities of the market.
So here's the low-down!
Homes are selling! There seems to be a pervasive myth that homes aren't selling. Well, they are. But it might not be at the price you had in mind. So strap up if you need to sell.
And that's my next subject: the need to sell. This, ladies and gentlemen, is not the market of 2004, 2005, 2006 or even 2007. We will never see that again in our lifetime. What this market and this economy is requiring from all of us is a paradigm shift from our "wants" to our "needs," especially in real estate. If you don't NEED to sell, then don't! It's no fun having your house clean all the time, strangers walking through it and waiting for an offer that just won't come if you're over priced. Plus, you probably have neighbors that do NEED to sell. Excess inventory doesn't help anyone.
What will help all of us is if we can take a deep breath and accept our new reality. This market will not be turning around for a long time. When this down-turn began four years ago, I was accused of being "negative" because I suggested it wouldn't be over by next spring! Well here we are, 4 years later, and now I get emails that go something like this: "we wish we had listened to you two years ago about the housing market." Dang, I wish they had too.
And while I wish I could report to you that we are near the bottom, I can't. We are counseling our clients to look 10 - 15 years out as they consider their real estate options. As recently as March my viewpoint was backed up by the owner of RE/Max International when he stated in his address to the RE/Max International Convention, that "we aren't even half way through this cycle in the market."
Cue: Groan loudly. I know, I know. But wouldn't you really rather know so you can plan accordingly - or change your plans if you need to??? Isn't that what a real professional does for you, is show you what's coming so you can get a jump on it? Wait, let me guess.....you don't want to believe me again. Heck, I don't want to believe myself.
So since I know, there's a lot of knashing of teeth right now, I thought I'd give you a link from the Distressed News Service, so you don't have to take my word for it. Once you've read the article (clear to the end!), please feel free to call me with any questions. There are many opportunities in real estate......you just have to know where they've shifted too!
Ciao for Now!
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