If you're like me, it doesn't look like we can escape the projects in our house anymore by moving every couple of years! I'm so disappointed. It sure was a great strategy that worked for over a decade!
But now the smart money is on buying a house for the right reasons; shelter, quiet enjoyment, a place to build family and memories....and after a LONG time - maybe some equity. Wow, how things have changed.
So that LONG time we'll all be spending in our houses, means we need to get better at taking care of them, keeping them updated and making sure they're repaired before things get out of hand.
A good strategy starts with a good Home Inspector. You're probably familiar with the home inspection process, if you've bought a house in the last few years. But did you know it's really important to have your home inspected regularly while you live in it? Ideally you'd have it looked over every year, but for sure have your favorite inspector out at least every 3 -5 years. He'll help identify those things that are starting to cause problems; like moss on the roof, leaking gutters and bushy plants that can easily lead to bigger (read "more expensive") projects if left untouched.
With the inspectors report in hand, you now have your "honey do" list. And that list most likely will include those projects that are perfect for the DIY'er and those that are , well, NOT!
Great home projects are things like pulling back barkdust from your siding (6" of foundation is what the inspector wants to see). Just that little job will keep the critters from snacking on your siding. Purchase vent wells from your favorite home improvement store to keep that barkdust away from the vents and out from under the house.
How 'bout those gutters. Have you cleaned them? Are they draining into a drain pipe or right down the foundation? It's that gutter water that's helping water run into your crawl space - creating unwanted moisture. Find some splash blocks to draw the water away from the foundation while you're at the store as well.
How about that slight shade of green on the roof? The dreaded beginnings of moss. QUICK - get it while you can. That little bugger will be working it's way under the shingles of your roof as quick as it can!
Furnace filters are another often forgotten home maintenance item that leads to BIG dollar costs if ignored. HVAC technicians tell us the filters should be changed every month....and those that aren't are costing you efficiency and money, as well as wear and tear on that very expensive piece of equipment that goes out at the least opportune times! So change that filter!
Lastly, the bushes. Keep those lovelies 6 - 12" off your siding. Rose bushes, rhododendrons, azaelas and any other "woody" bush provides a nice little bridge for those darling carpenter ants and wood boring beetles we all know and love in the Northwest.
So there it is. The short list that starts with a Home Inspector. Give us a call if you need a referral, and then strap on the carpenters belt!
See you on the other side!
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