Listening to all the talking heads, you'd think we Realtors need a dunce cap. In spite of the "opinions" of those on your television, I think you should be buying real estate (shocking, I know!) Wait, I can explain.
First, thanks to near record low interest rates, and home prices that have moderated, the number of potential buyers who can afford to buy has increased! According to data compiled from the 3rd quarter of 2008, 56.1% of all new & existing homes sold were affordable for families earning the median income. That's way above the 40% of families who could afford a home at the peak of the market!
Second, Housing still remains the way for most of us to build wealth. Now that really sounds crazy, doesn't it. A recently released report by Harvard University's Joint Center for Housing Studies indicates that even though housing has it's ups and downs, the average homeowner is dramatically wealthier than someone who rents. This holds true among all age groups.
Lastly, WE WILL SURVIVE THIS MARKET CORRECTION! And as we do, our housing market with perform like a bouncing ball. With that in mind, none of us knows when the market (ball) will hit bottom, but when it does, WOW - that ball (market) will pop right back up before we know it. So, as I have before, I will remind you again...the rule is, "Buy Low - Sell High." Let's get to buying.
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