Thursday, October 22, 2015

Where Are Prices Headed Next Year?!

Hi Friends!

I'm often asked to try & predict Real Estate trends, and more specifically prices!  Isn't ever Realtor asked this question? Because inquiring minds REALLY want to know!  And that makes complete sense - it's always wise to try and take advantage of the real estate market when it's most beneficial to you.  

But without the power of a crystal ball - I often go turn to information that is shared from our industry leaders.  

Below is a quick graphic with some projections on where home prices will be next year...and as you can see, we're expecting to see continued strengthening in our local real estate market!

If you, or someone you know, is thinking of selling - let our team guide you through the process!

And as always, please let me know if you have any questions!



Thursday, October 15, 2015

4 Reasons to Buy NOW Before Winter Hits!

Hi Friends!

We're already into the thick of fall -- with winter right around the corner!  

Here's a quick article with some insight on why it may be wise for you to take advantage of the real estate market now - before we find ourselves in the middle winter.

4 Reasons to Buy NOW Before Winter Hits!

Though you, or someone you know, may be on the fence about getting in to the market - there really is no better time than now to take that jump.  And we will there with you every step of the way!



Thursday, October 8, 2015

#1 Reason to List Your House Today!

Hi Friends!

Over the past few weeks I've been highlighting why it might be a good time to get in to the real estate market as a buyer (i.e. credit requirements vs mortgage rates); but I also wanted to share why, as a Seller, now is one of the best times to consider listing your home!

As you will see in this article, #1 Reason to List Your House Today, the simple notion of supply & demand puts Sellers in a unique position when selling their home as of late!  

According to NAR, "there are more buyers out in the market right now than at any other time in the past three years."

If you, or someone you know, is considering selling their home, please don't hesitate to call!  



Thursday, October 1, 2015

Is Qualifying for a Mortgage Getting Easier?

Last week I shared that requirements for obtaining a mortgage were easing as interest rates were beginning to creep.

I wanted to pass along this article as well that offers some additional information related to mortgages & the requirements to obtain a mortgage for first-time & next home buyers.

Again, even with the loosening of the reins for qualifying, it is always important to mindful of the trajectory of mortgage interest rates, so that you can take advantage of the market at the best possible time.

Let me know if you have any questions!

