Wednesday, June 11, 2008


The second Wednesday of every month is the ever entertaining gathering of the Keizer Chamber of Commerce. The food is good, the fellowship is fun and the speakers are usually informative. Today was no exception. But one of my favorite activities is the opportunity to meet fellow business owners.

Today I had the privilege of sitting next to Susan Parker, the owner/operator of THE SOUP SHACK. She's developed some amazing gourmet soups. The soups are packaged, frozen and delivered directly to the customer.

When she said "delivery," my ears perked up. I heard from all around me how wonderful her soups are - so I thought I'd share her business with you, via her website. You'll find Susan at

Enjoy - and let me hear about your experiences with her product. I'm going for the Potatoe with Cheese & Ham!

Ciao for now.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Well I'm just getting started with this new fangled blogging technology! And I am about as excited as I could be!

I'm looking forward to sharing my thoughts and knowledge with you around the local Real Estate market, community events, recognized businesses, and many other interesting aspects of living in Salem-Keizer!

Here we go!